Sunday, March 13, 2011

Scale Model Electrical Insulation

Electrical insulation keeps current flowing where it belongs, helps maintain a tight wire-to-wire contact, can help securely anchor to the circuit foundation, and serves as a line of defense against environmental conditions.
The raw ends of  wires in small scale circuits, by nature, are always very close to each other.  This makes small scale wiring vulnerable to unexpected shorts that result from faulty insulation materials, insulation fatigue, and poor installation methods.

Once wiring is sealed into a structure or under finishing materials, circuit failure becomes more difficult to diagnose and correct.  Doing it right the first time is the best time saver.

Humidity is one of the sneaky enemies of hobby wiring.  If your project will be, or might ever be, subjected to high humidity choose an insulation material that will reliably block moisture.

Moving a dollhouse or diorama equals a small scale earthquake.  Plan your insulation to protect portable projects.

If your project will be exposed to extreme temperatures (such as un-temperature controlled storage)choose an insulation that will not deteriorate in that circumstance.
  • WARNING:  Those who skip this exercise often go straight to Learning Foul Language;  Lesson One.
Electrical Tape is often too bulky for scale model and hobby wiring but can be used when hidden wiring chambers are built into the structure.  Some brands are more pliable than others.  Some brands use more reliable adhesive than others.  Use the smallest piece possible to avoid extra bulk and make certain the adhesive is adequate.  Always test a sample of the tape to see how well it performs.  I've used tape that worked great at the time of installation but popped off after a few days or weeks.

Heat Shrink Tubes are a good choice for small projects.  Heat Shrink Tubes must be strung on the wire before the wires are joined.  The wires should be twisted tightly before sliding the tube in place.  The junction should be held  securely while the tube is being heated. 

Liquid Insulation is applied with a brush, remains pliable, and conforms with the space available.  Before applying, make certain that the wire ends are tightly twisted.

Silicon Sealant is applied with a toothpick or craft stick and can be smoothed to seal wires into notches cut to hold wires.  It remains pliable and easily conforms to the space available.  Make certain that the wire ends are tightly twisted before applying.



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